Why is an electronic Quality Management System (eQMS) important?
- May 5, 2021
- Posted by: Stephen J Cook
- Category: eQMS

As humans, we are prone to making errors. Why? Our psychological, physical, expressive, and cerebral capabilities do not always function efficiently. To add to it, we are still making use of paper even in 2021 to record data manually, instead of using technology to do it much more efficiently and quickly.
eQMS provides better management of all recorded data in real-time. It does this by providing changes to control corrective and preventative actions (CAPA), deviations, and complaints to document data history accurately. It helps link different aspects of a business with its developed infrastructure and, thus, accelerates quality production by helping you make an informed decision.
By replacing quality management software with electronic quality management (eQMS) software in sectors where medical devices, pharmaceutical, and ISO-related practices are in place, we will get hold of error-free data. We save a lot of time to get this outcome and avoid exercising our grey cells unnecessarily. It also makes us feel at ease because we are sure of obtaining accurate results as all of the processes are executed mechanically. What’s more, we are not using up physical resources like trees where the paper originates. Documents, both new and old, can easily be retrieved. We would be abiding strictly by FDA regulations. Moreover, FDA Audits happen seamlessly.
We all know how crucial an eQMS process is in this millennium. Yes, it entails businesses investing more money and time to understand how to use an eQMS, but they will benefit more than just by increasing their ROIs. Any company that has embraced it would vouch that its employees’ lives are more comforting than before, the pandemic effect notwithstanding. For many employees, this is a blessing in disguise (to use a cliché) as this has allowed them to collaborate from any location globally, be it home or office. With efficiencies improving manifold, it has allowed employees to have more personal time.
eQMS provides a considerable advantage to an organization’s ecosystem on top of the improved revenues.
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